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Create A Painting

Once every month Painting lessons are focused on one painting. Lessons will cover one creative topic. We will start from drawing, cover basics in painting and design and create our very own painting. Each lesson is geared towards helping you design and execute a painting on this one chosen creative topic, in any painting medium of your choice. No prior experience is required.


To Create a painting its a four step/day process and we will work through each step from the basics. All lessons are recorded.


Recommended age 13+



2 consecutive weekends every month



2hrs / day


Creativity is a Habit - not a talent.



Create A Painting classes and instructions are LIVE & ONLINE (via Zoom). 

2nd Weekend of the Month
Sat & Sun

Drawing & Painting 101

Drawing and sketching basics are covered the first 2 lessons every 2nd weekend of the month. We set the stage for novice artists and teach them how to learn and study a subject before creating with it.


Practice and Perfect your technique and skill

Citrus Fruits

Day 1 : Drawing 101

2nd Saturday

Pencil / Charcoal

Learn to sketch the chosen subject. We will sketch and study with pencil or charcoal.

Understand how values help with creating the mood and setting of the final piece.

Day 2 : Painting 101

2nd Sunday

Acrylics, Pastels, Gouache, Watercolors or Oils

Medium chosen by the instructor will vary and will be communicated prior to the lesson


Learn to paint and figure out how to mix colors for cool and warm tones. We will create swatches and samples to choose from for our final piece.

3rd  Weekend of the Month
Sat & Sun

Desgin 101 & Painting

Design and composition basics are covered the 3rd lesson and we finish the painting on your last lesson. Every 3rd weekend of the month. 


Plan and execute a painting that you can create from SCRATCH.


Practice and Perfect your technique and skill

Day 3 : Design 101

3rd Saturday

Pencil / Paper


Learn composition and layering your elements. We will talk about creating thumbnails, touch on light principles.

Day 4 : Finale

3rd Sunday

Create your Painting


Today is the day to put all the ideas and lessons to fruition. You will be creating your final painting from the lessons learned above. 

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